Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just a thought...

I'm kind of tired of listening to the pissed-off right wing acting as if Obama is some sort of messiah that will lead the nation to destruction. First of all, he's no messiah. He's just some politician who won the election because the party before him messed things up so bad that people were not willing to allow them to continue leading. Also, if any group of people in this nation view their leaders as messiahs, it's the conservative right. The Pat Buchanans and Sean Hannitys of this world view the Republican Party as if it is God's gift to mankind. Where do they get the nerve to label Obama as the messiah of the left-wing?

Seriously people, stop being so paranoid. Don't forget it's just politics and if Obama fails worse than Bush did, we can vote him out of office in 4 years. To all of those out to the far right, stop using your religious fanaticism to scare people. The only scary part about the whole situation is your insistence on labeling Obama some sort of prophet for his supporters while you refuse to acknowledge that the only people in this country which see their political leaders as a gift from God are you guys.

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