Monday, May 26, 2008

Good times.

During my intense three-day weekend, Robert, Evan and I gave the Mexican cops the biggest fuck you we could have ever imagined. As we walked down the dirty streets of TJ, in a very intoxicated state of mind, we were stopped by the Mexican police. As we approached the patrol car, I had a feeling we were in for some good ol' fashion south of the border harassment. As they check our IDs and questioned why we were in the "party" area of TJ, I was using every possible angle to wiggle our asses out of that situation.

The moment they heard we were college students from Los Angeles, they thought that meant we went to UCLA and they got really excited. So I ran with that one. I played the "we want to be sports journalist" card and they backed off smoothly. Then he asked where we were going to next. At that point, I used my geographical knowledge of the city to impress the poor 5'5" official de la ley. I gave him specific directions, including landmarks, as to where my cousin lived. At that point he realized he wasn't dealing with some dumb fuck American tourist and told us we could go on our way. I realize how lucky we were and I hope the luck remains with us always but, there is a great sense of joy and pride in knowing that these bullshit cops wanted to catch us slipping and they fell on their fucken faces doing it.

Also, without getting into too much detail, I was lucky to walk away from one of our local law enforcement agencies. Good mothereffin times!

1 comment:

Miyu said...

Ahahaha, if I was pulled over by mexican cops, I would probably have peed in my pants!

see ya tmrw!