Monday, May 12, 2008

Just a thought...

After spending mother's day telling my mom how much we love her and how our existence would be totally pointless without her presence, I began feeling bad for Ralph (aka dad). I love my dad and God forbid that anything bad ever happen to him but, I was thrown off by the fact that if Ralph wasn't around, I think would be able to better deal with it than if my mom wasn't around. Without a doubt, it would destroy me to lose Ralph. However, the thought of my mom not being around just scares the life out of me. I think it's time Ralph and I connected on a whole new level.

1 comment:

Jaena Rae said...

Yessssss! A new entry!

I am obviously excited.

I felt the same way about my grandparents. As in, I felt I'd be more devastated if my grandpa passed away first.